Whether you’re moving into a newly constructed Huntington, WV home or need a new air conditioning system for your existing home, there are a few different cooling options to choose from. One that has been gaining in popularity for many notable reasons is the ductless mini-split system. If you haven’t yet considered this system, there are many great reasons you should highly consider doing so.

Dual Performance

First and foremost, a ductless mini-split system is designed to provide both heating and cooling for your home. Instead of having to install two different types of HVAC systems, you only need one system to meet your needs year-round. With one system, it’s easier to remember to schedule maintenance, among many other things.

Extreme Cooling Efficiency

One of the most significant reasons that ductless mini-split systems are so popular these days is that they offer extreme energy efficiency when it comes to cooling your home. With a traditional ducting system, the cold air must travel through your ducts to all the rooms in your home. The Department of Energy has estimated that the average household loses up to 30 percent of its cold air during delivery through its ducting. With a ductless system, you never lose that cold air. In fact, 100 percent of it gets delivered to the rooms in your home.

Better Indoor Air Quality

Ducting is well-known for accumulating airborne debris, like dust, pet dander, and even pollen. Over time, this can drastically reduce the quality of the air inside your home. Ducting needs to be cleaned by a licensed professional on a regular basis to minimize its impact on your air quality level. With a ductless mini-split system, you never have to worry about your ducting recirculating poor-quality air. All the air in your room is pulled directly into the mini-split unit, filtered, and delivered right back into the same room.

Zone Controls

Another great advantage of investing in a ductless mini-split system is that it allows for zone control of your cooling system. You can easily set the temperature of your bedroom unit to be a bit lower than that of your living room unit. You can turn off all your mini-split units except for the one that’s in the room you’re currently using. With zone controls, you can better optimize your energy usage.

Easy Installation

One well-known benefit of ductless AC systems is that their installation process is very quick and minimally invasive. This makes it the perfect option for existing homes where there is no ducting. Instead of having to rip out drywall and flooring to run ductwork, your HVAC installer can simply drill a small, three-inch hole in the exterior wall behind your unit. All the connections happen outside at the condenser unit. A ductless mini-split system is also the ideal choice for home additions where you can’t connect to existing ductwork or where it would alter the pressure inside your existing ducting.

Whisper-Quite Operation

One commonly underrated benefit of investing in a ductless air conditioning system for your home is that it offers whisper-quiet operation. You don’t have to listen to the loud sound of a traditional ducted system. All the noise produced by a ductless mini-split system is present at its outside condenser unit. Since it’s located outside your home, you likely won’t hear it running while relaxing inside.

Tax Incentives

The government is constantly working to encourage homeowners to invest in more energy-efficient appliances for their homes. This is part of a bigger effort to reduce the country’s combined carbon footprint. When it comes to ductless AC systems, they’re considered highly energy efficient. For this reason, the government is offering tax incentives to homeowners who purchase these HVAC systems. This is common at the federal level. However, many state and local governments are joining in to offer tax rebates. You should check with your local HVAC company to determine what tax rebates are available to you if you decide to purchase a ductless mini-split AC system for your home.

Reliable Ductless Mini-Split Service

Variable Comfort Solutions offers reliable ductless mini-split service for the whole Huntington community. Our expert HVAC technicians are always ready to assist with all your cooling, heating, commercial, and indoor air quality needs. Simply give us a buzz today to schedule your next service appointment.

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